Brace yourself, rewards are coming!
Earn GHST, QUICK, MATIC, and FRENS by staking in the GHST staking contracts on Matic, starting January 29th.
Hey fren 👻!
The migration to Matic has been going swimmingly! Over 4 million GHST have already made the journey, with over 2.8 million already staked in our GHST Staking contract earning frens, and the rest providing liquidity in various pairs on Quickswap.
Starting January 29, we are kicking things into overdrive mode with a partnership with Matic and Quickswap to continue attracting liquidity on Matic.
If you play your cards right, you’ll be earning not one, not two, but FOUR different rewards for staking.
Here’s a handy guide to explain the process.
Warning: Alpha ahead, proceed with caution! 👇👇👇